Remember that this material is intended to provide you with helpful information and is not to be relied upon to make decisions, nor is this material intended to be or construed as legal advice. You are encouraged to consult your legal counsel for advice on your specific business operations and responsibilities under applicable law. Trademarks used in this material are the property of their respective owners and no affiliation or endorsement is implied.
How do you stay on top of news about the rental market?
If your answer doesn’t involve Twitter, it’s time to start making use of this popular social platform. Real estate moguls and every day landlords alike have taken to Twitter to provide cutting edge news and helpful insight about the rental market. We’ve scoured the platform to find some of the most beneficial accounts for you to follow and learn about the rental industry. Check them out below:

On Being a Landord
These feeds feature news and tips from the perspective of landlords and tenants, providing informative points of view for anyone in the rental business.
Cynthia Schmidt - @MrsLandLady
Followers: 6.8k
Cynthia Schmidt says she has been a landlord for more than 20 years, with an emphasis on collecting her tenant’s back rent. Landlords who follow her might like her posts about real estate market trends and landlord-tenant laws. She also shares tips to help Landlords collect all of the rent that is owed to them.
Brandon Turner-@BrandonAtBP
Followers: 15.7k
Brandon Turner is an active real estate investor and co-host of the BiggerPockets real estate investing podcast, one of the most listened to podcasts about the industry. He also runs a personal blog entitled Real Estate in Your Twenties. Landlords might want to follow Brandon for his useful tools and advice for investors of all ages.
Hands on Reinvesting-@handsonreinvest
Followers: 760
Landlords who follow this account can expect relevant news on real estate market trends and tips for a mutually beneficial landlord-tenant relationship. More information about real estate investing can be found on their website.
Followers: 1.5k
Rentalutions aims to make life easier for landlords by offering online rental applications, lease agreements, and electronic rent collection. On Twitter, they cover topics ranging from which home improvement projects make your property most desirable to which real estate markets are the hottest.

Landlord Station-@LandlordStation
Followers: 11.3k
LandlordStation is a Property Management Software company offering listings, document management, and tenant screening. From eviction and real estate laws to smart home gadgets, landlords who follow this account might find useful and practical tips for conducting their rental business.

On Real Estate and the Rental Market
These industry experts share content on marketing, housing, and resources that property investors and those in the rental industry need to know.
Rentometer -@rentometer
Followers: 2.7k
Rentometer uses proprietary technology and data to provide a thorough rent comparison analysis in seconds for any address in the U.S. Landlords might enjoy Rentometer’s tweets about rental industry news, property investment, and rent prices.
Andrea Brambila-@InmanAndrea
Followers: 2.3k
As the deputy editor at Inman, a popular Real Estate news site, Andrea is a news aficionado. Landlords might appreciate her Twitter feed for how it applies news stories to the real estate world.
Nobu Hata-@nobuhata
Followers: 10.2k
Nobu is the Director of Member Engagement at the National Association of Realtors. Landlords who join his ten thousand-strong following can expect curated real estate content from all over the web.
Ilyce Glink-@Glink
Followers: 16.6k
Ilyce, the voice behind Think Glink, is a real estate and financial expert. Landlords who follow her might like her advice on financial wellness as it relates to real estate investing.
Chris Clothier-@chrisdclothier
Followers: 41.4k
Chris is a real estate investor based in Memphis. Landlords who follow him might find his financial advice about smart investing especially helpful. He also shares a large amount of inspirational tweets to keep hard-working landlords motivated. He shares more informative insight on the Memphis Invest Blog.
Cornelius Camp-@ccrealty2
Followers: 175k
Cornelius is a Chicago Real Estate broker who shares inspiring and relevant content about the real estate industry. Landlords will find his feed is full of helpful tips and advice with a client-centric mentality.
Jim Ingersoll- @investforever
Followers: 78.1k
Jim, the voice behind Big Money Investor uses his Twitter account to share motivational quotes for investors, interspersed with tips for how to make your property more appealing. Landlords can expect daily inspiration from his Twitter feed.
Joe Fairless-@joefairless
Followers: 10.9k
Joe runs a popular podcast on real estate investing. Hardworking landlords might love his Twitter feed for all of the motivational tweets. He also shares the best posts from his blog and podcast, Best Ever Real Estate Advice.
Amy Chorew-@amychorew
Followers: 20k
Amy is the Vice President of Platform Development for Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate. Amy keeps landlords up to date with the latest statistics about the real estate industry and provide insight about emerging trends.
Ali Boone-@aliboonedotcom
Followers: 1.7K
Best known as the founder of Hipster Investments, Landlords might like Ali’s Twitter feed for its collection of posts about real estate as passive income.

Lani Rosales-@laniar
Followers: 12.4K
Lani is the Chief Operating Officer at The American Genius and The Real Daily. Landlords who click follow can see Lani’s advice about what Real estate investors should and shouldn’t do.
Laura Monroe-@LauraMonroe
Followers: 17.5K
Laura is the Vice President of Industry for RealSatisfied. Landlords who follow her on Twitter might like her suggestions on the best real estate apps and tools.
Candace Taylor-@CandaceETaylor
Followers: 5.6k
Candace is a Wall Street Journal reporter who writes on a wide variety of home types. Landlords who follow her on Twitter will find easy access to her most interesting real estate stories.
Seth Williams-@retipsterseth
Followers: 8.4K
Seth Williams is the founder of REtipster.com, which informs investors on topics like creating passive income and finding financial freedom in real estate. Landlords who follow this Twitter account will find information on legal resources, doing business out-of-state, and rental property marketing guides.
Ben Leybovich-@JustAskBen
Followers: 2.5k
A classical violinist by training, Ben became an expert in real estate investing and creative finance after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Ben’s Twitter account covers topics like turnkey investing and whether equity or cash flow is more important for rentals. Check out his website, JustAskBenWhy.com, for more real estate advice.
Mark Ferguson-@InvestFourMore
Followers: 15.8K
Real estate agent and investor Mark Ferguson shares news on buying, investing, and renting through his Twitter account. His blog, Invest Four More, has been featured in publications like Forbes, RealtorMag and Money magazine. Landlords following Mark on Twitter might find his tips on goal-setting, tax advantages, and calculating cash flow especially useful.

Followers: 354k
Zillow is at the forefront of the real estate news industry, with a database of more than 110 million U.S. homes for sale and rent. Their Twitter account provides insight on everything from refinancing with less-than-stellar credit to popular remodeling and redecorating trends.
Bill Gassett-@massrealty
Followers: 30.6K
Bill Gassett has been a real estate agent in Metrowest Massachusetts for nearly three decades. One of the area’s top 5 RE/MAX agents, his posts are primarily intended for home buyers and sellers. However, landlords might still like his tips on marketing and making a property appealing to prospective tenants.
Followers: 5.5k
Duplexes shares a wealth of resources for everything related to rental duplexes, including loans, investment opportunities, and marketing plans.
Landlords might enjoy the tweets about small home trends, market news, and tenant perception of rental rates.
Followers: 500
TurboTenant’s property management software allows landlords to create listing webpages, and accept and review tenant applications online. Landlords following TurboTenant on Twitter might enjoy posts about current rent prices, whether a tenant should have a co-signer, and sprucing up your rental property.

On Personal Finance and Investing
Landlords who are looking for valuable content on investing and strategy might want to click follow on these accounts.
Jeff Rose-@jjeffrose
Followers: 32.3k
Jeff is a financial planner who shares tips about how to deal with money wisely. Landlords who follow him will find easy-to-understand advice on how to save smart and earn passive income.
Mr. Money Mustache-@mrmoneymustache
Followers: 60.8k
Run by a retired man in his 30’s, this twitter feed shares tips on how make money work best for you. Landlords who follow Mr. Money Mustache can expect tips on how to save enough money to retire long before mid-life.
Rob Berger-@Doughroller
Followers: 3.8k
Rob, the voice behind Doughroller, runs this twitter all about saving and investing money. Landlords might find useful his no-nonsense tips about spending less than you earn.
Jacob and Vanessa-@CashCowCouple
Followers: 11.7K
Run by a young couple who paid off all of their student loans within a year of graduating, this Twitter account focuses on building personal wealth. Landlords might enjoy this Twitter account for its practical, but innovative tips on saving hard-earned income. Check out CashCowCouple.com for more advice from the duo.
Money Matters- @MoneyMattersMan
Followers: 5.2K
Money Matters is a personal finance podcast that claims to not be “your father’s boring money show.” On Twitter, landlords will find that Andrew and Thomas (the voices behind Money Matters) share advice about how to develop financially-savvy habits.
Financial Samurai-@Financialsamura
Followers: 16.1K
With 1 million pageviews a month, Financial Samurai is one of the largest personal finance sites on the web. On Twitter, they share investment trends, real estate news, and insights on all things money. Landlords who want to learn more about the finances behind investing in a rental property may want to click follow.
Mary Beth Storjohann-@MaryBStorJ
Followers: 4.9K
Mary Beth is a Certified Financial Planner™, self-professed money nerd and founder of Workable Wealth. On her Twitter, landlords will find that she answers helpful questions like “what are the hidden costs of investing in a property?” Check out Workable Wealth for more from Mary Beth.

Carl Richard-@BehaviorGap
Followers: 26.7K
Carl Richard of Behavior Gap is a New York Times columnist who has a personal finance Twitter feed that you might not expect. He covers important topics like risk assessment and ways to improve your quality of life through his series of thought-provoking sketches. Simple and direct, his Twitter feed might inspire landlords to make better financial decisions.
Farnoosh Torabi-@FARNOOSH
Followers: 26.9K
Farnoosh Torabi is a money strategist, author, and Katie Couric’s resident financial expert. Her advice on saving are especially popular with those in their twenties, but landlords of any age can expect to find posts about credit scores, saving money on taxes, and making big decisions about finances.
Joe Saul-Sehy-@AverageJoeMoney
Followers: 7.4K
Named part of U.S. News and World Report’s Top 15 Financial Blogs to follow, Joe runs a popular personal finance podcast called Stacking Benjamins. Landlords might like his easy-going and casual tone when it comes to talking money.
Jean Chatzky-@JeanChatzky
Followers: 55K
Jean Chatzky is the financial editor for the Today Show. Her feed features tips that are not only helpful for landlords, but for anyone who wants to manage their money better. Landlords will find helpful tips on topics ranging from how much to include in an emergency fund to clever money hacks that could help you on the track to financial bliss.
Followers: 47.3K
NerdWallet.com compares credit cards and has a calculator that simplifies mortgage and refinancing rate. Landlords will find their Twitter feed is just as helpful, with posts on the stock market, flying inexpensively for their business, and making money resolutions stick.
Followers: 25.2k
With a site and feed targeted to real estate investment, BiggerPockets’ content is especially applicable to landlords looking to create and enhance passive income. Should you move your property into an LLC? Do appraisals truly reflect a property’s value? How much will you need to live on your investments? Their Twitter account discusses these topics and more.

On Home Improvement
Landlords who are in the process of updating their rental properties (or who plan to soon) might want to check out these accounts for a bevy of inspiration and DIY’s.
John and Sherry Petersik-@YoungHouseLove
Followers: 30.3K
John and Sherry are the dynamic duo behind Young House Love, their home remodeling blog which features over 3,000 DIY and home-related projects. Landlords who click follow can keep up with their latest project as they remodel a 100-year old beach house.
Tim Carter-@AskTheBuilder
Followers: 6.6K
Tim Carter is the builder behind Ask The Builder and has over 30 years of home renovating experience. Landlords who follow his Twitter will find tool reviews, creative project ideas, and home repair tutorials.
Brian and Paul-@HandyGuys
Followers: 16.2K
Brian and Paul are the duo behind the Handy Guys. Landlords will find reviews on tools and home products on their Twitter feed, as well as general topics that every homeowner should know. Their popular video series helps answer common questions such as the differences between LED and fluorescent lighting, and easy tips on how to improve the curb appeal of your property.
Apartment Therapy-@AptTherapy
Followers: 266K
Featuring unique home tours, the Apartment Therapy Twitter feed is full of endless inspiration. Looking for a kitchen backsplash that’s low-maintenance (and easier for your tenants to keep clean)? Or how about tips on how to renovate a small bathroom? They’ve all the tips you need to revamp your rental property.
Design Sponge-@DesignSponge
Followers: 581K
Grace Bonney is the founder of Design Sponge, a resource for all things interior design. Landlords who browse this Twitter feed can expect inspiration for interiors that tenants will love.
HomeSpot HQ-@HomeSpotHQ
Followers: 5.3K
When your tenant calls you in the dead of winter to inform you that their pipes have burst, you’ll wish that you had HomeSpot HQ handy, a tool that helps homeowners keep track of all home maintenance projects. Featuring helpful home improvement tips ranging from how to remove stubborn spots on hardwood floors to how to get rid of bed bugs, their Twitter feed is full of practical advice.
Sabrina Soto-@SabrinaSoto
Followers: 206K
Sabrina Soto is a lifestyle expert, interior designer, and self-proclaimed bargain hunter based in Los Angeles. Known for her use of bright and bold colors, she’s the authority on how to decorate and renovate your home without spending a fortune. Landlords who follow her on twitter can expect to find reasonable renovation projects that boost curb appeal.
Brittany Bailey-@PrettyHandyGirl
Followers: 10.5k
Brittany, the voice behind Pretty Handy Girl, is a licensed general contractor who gives advice on DIY’s and home renovation. Landlords might like her practical tips on topics like energy efficiency.
Gail Wilson-@repurposedlife
Followers: 6.9k
Gail of My Repurposed Life is a DIY master. Landlords who follow her might find her tips on inexpensive repurposing helpful as they renovate their own rental properties.

Bob Vila-@BobVila
Followers: 1.07 million
Known as America’s handyman, Bob Vila is the go-to source for all things home improvement. Landlords will find helpful tips ranging from how to knock down a wall to how to clean a dishwasher on his Twitter feed. Check out his website at BobVila.com for more in-depth how-to guides and home decor inspiration.
Tim Layton-@RemodelingGuy
Followers: 3.1k
Tim, AKA Remodeling Guy is an expert in the contracting and remodeling field. Landlords may want to follow him for his tweets on all kinds of renovation topics from product reviews to instructional videos.
Marc Spagnuolo-@WoodWhisperer
Followers: 28.6K
Marc is a professional woodworker with his own podcast all about wood projects. Landlords who follow him might find his updates on all the projects he works on inspiring and helpful.
Ikea Hacks-@ikeahacks
Followers: 11.5K
This twitter account features tips and tricks for making inexpensive store bought products more functional or aesthetically pleasing. Landlords who furnish their rental facilities might find this twitter feed helpful. Check out their website for more DIY tips.
Now that you’ve made sure you’re on the cutting edge of news about the rental industry, real estate, personal finance and home improvement industries, it’s time to ensure that you’re just as informed about your tenants. Finding good tenants is one of the most important aspects of owning property and can increase its value and profitability.
A thorough tenant screening, with complete credit, criminal, and eviction record reports should always be performed.
SmartMove is your best solution for great reports, great convenience, and great tenants. Landlords receive a credit report formatted exclusively for rental screening, a criminal report drawing from millions of criminal records, an eviction report, and a ResidentScore.
Know your applicant.
Additional Disclosure:
The information posted to this blog was accurate at the time it was initially published. We do not continue to guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. The information contained in the TransUnion Rental Screening Services, Inc. blog is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. You should consult your own attorney or financial adviser regarding your particular situation. For complete details of any product mentioned, visit www.transunion.com. This site is governed by the TransUnion Rental Screening Privacy Policy Privacy Notice located at TransUnion Rental Screening Solutions, Inc. Privacy Notice | TransUnion.